Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Cobra, Part 1

What's this? Another post, so soon after the other? The weather must be bad, or I must be avoiding homework, right? Actually, neither. I'm just finally HOME. We've been all over the place lately, and it's nice to actually sit on our couch and blog to the blogiverse. Universe. Whatever. So, without further ado, in this mini-series of posts, I bring you my (unfinished) journey into the den of the Cobra. (DUN DUN DUNNNNN!)

The Cobra was made famous by (and possibly invented by?) Polina Semenova, and it has now has become a relatively commonplace trick in women's slalom battles. It's one of those tricks that completely messes with your head because you were not aware that humans were able to bend that way, and you're not entirely sure they are supposed to. So basically, it's got that bendy-legs quality that makes slalom so attractive and interesting to many of us in the first place. 

Here is the women's battle final from PSWC 2011, with skating from Julia Kulagina, Anya Ziertmann, Marina Boyko (I really need to stop spelling her name wrong! apologies), and Polina. (They skate in that order in the video, just in case you can't hear the announcer very well.) Polina performs the Cobra both forwards and backwards starting at 8:01 or so. Please feel free to enjoy the whole video if you want, and I bet there are other instances where other skaters in the round do the same trick, but I wanted to make sure I presented you with a moment where Polina does this trick, because I tend to think of it as hers. 

OK, without further ado, to the viewing of the Cobra! Watch out that it doesn't GET YOU.  

Did you see it? Isn't it CRAZY?
(Well, no, this is actually Crazy, but let's stay on topic please.)

Well, we're just getting started here, but as you could have guessed from the title of this post, it's a two-parter. Or maybe more. But I promise to bring you part two within the week, because I've already written a lot of it, but it's not quite ready.

Until Part Two, my wheeled comrades! I'm off to go skating or watch Indiana Jones or sleep or something.
As always, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. omg yum. when i saw that trick for the first time (singapore 2008), i fell in love with the cobra. and also when polina became my favorite skater. so precise and controlled. i cant wait for part deux/threeeeee. woooot!!
